Put Your Best Life Forward

It all begins from within.

My Story

My name is Chris O'Hearn and I am a Holistic Performance coach that empowers people to become Strong Within in every aspect of their lives. I've been featured on MTV, I host a weekly affirmation podcast, and I am currently finishing up a book on having the confidence to go after what matters most to you.

I spent most of my younger life trying to find my purpose. And after years of feeling unsuccessful in my search for my meaning in life, I came to the conclusion that I had no purpose and maybe that I was a mistake.

For years I told that story which created depression and suicidal thoughts in my youth.

And no matter how hard I tried to be better, to work harder, or do things that I felt might make me more acceptable, lovable, and worthy…I always came up short.

Not because I wasn’t worthy, lovable, or pretty amazing already (as we all are) but because of the story I was telling over and over again that I was a burden, that I was a mistake,and that no matter what I did I would always be the same imperfect Chris I was born as.

You see, I thought I could out run my mind. I thought that if I “DID” things…well, then I could be someone or something better. Then I might be able to feel good about who I was.

However, change didn’t happen or would never happen until I began telling a different story. And so I knew I had only a few choices left in the journey I had taken myself to:

  1. I would die by my own hand and commit suicide from the extreme sadness I was feeling

  2. I would die inside as I was emotionally dying every day as I felt this would always be my outcome

  3. Or I could begin changing the way I thought, spoke, and acted.

I knew there was something better out there, and I wasn’t quite sure how to get there, but one thing I did know is—that what I had been doing previously wouldn’t get me there. And so I decided to do what my intuition was telling me, to begin telling a new story and that changed everything about my life.



Now I don’t know your story, I don’t know the beliefs you hold onto, I don’t know what you have experienced in your life, but I do know that change can happen at any moment. Our problems aren’t unique, WE are unique. Every problem that is under the sun, most of us have felt in some manner or another. And some can have the most debilitating thing happen to them and thrive because of it, while another could have a seemingly simple problem cripple them.

Which I believe is due mostly to the beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world around us.

And that is what I help everyone I work with do, to begin telling a story that is more in alignment with their potential. What we have forgotten is that we were created with unlimited potential but after years of looking at why we can’t, why it would be too hard, or that we aren’t worthy enough…well, you are teaching your subconscious to work against you instead of with you.

Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between fact or fiction; it only knows what you consistently tell it.

And so what I help people do is to begin creating a new story that helps their subconscious realign and give them their power back.

If you think about it, our subconscious is operating our lives at 90-95% of the time, so why wouldn’t you want to begin training it to work with you instead of against you.

Think about it like this, have you ever been driving home and all of the sudden you realized you’re home and you don’t remember how you did all of it because your mind was somewhere else? Well, our subconscious is doing what we have trained it to do, and so where you consistently focus your subconscious is what you are programming it to give you. Like a computer, what you put into it is what you will get out of it.

And so our energies and our efforts become misaligned.

Have you ever thought something was possible in your head, but your heart didn’t believe you could have it or that you weren’t worthy of having it?

Everything in this world operates on a vibrational frequency. The atoms that make up everything create this vibrational movement that creates specific signatures in the world. A table’s atoms vibrate at a frequency to create its exact properties, just like you have your own vibrational frequency that uniquely makes up you.

Which means that your thoughts actually have a vibrational frequency as well. The things you are seeking are actually seeking you. And when you understand that, you can begin operating differently.

It’s not about TRYING or DOING to get what you want, it’s more about working to ALIGN yourself with the energy of what you want. Likened things are attracted to likened things. So the more you match your energy, your vibrational frequency, to the things you want then the less you have to force things to happen…you become a homing beacon to allow them to find you, and you create things much easier.

You essentially take down your barriers, your limiting beliefs, and your walls that have been keeping you separated from what you were seeking previously.

Your thoughts are things, and when you truly understand that what you think about is what you physically create—you create a new reality.

Would you love to create a new beginning?

I would love to help you begin aligning with a higher energy. I would love to help you realign with your unlimited potential. I would love to help you see the story and limiting beliefs you are telling that are keeping you from everything you desire.

I would love to help you create a new reality by thinking, speaking, and acting differently.

I would love to help you create new beginnings.

Create New Beginnings

You probably came to this site because you are searching for something more in your life. You know there is something better for you out there, but you are unsure what it is. The best “you” in any area of your life stems from finding out your why, your strengths, your values, and then combining them all to begin creating a life blueprint.

My clients think what I do for them is magic as I help them to get unstuck, but what I help them to do is to become Strong Within again by reclaiming their power. I help them bring their unique purpose into the world by utilizing their personal blueprint in everything they do.

Whether that change be in your business or your personal life, what are you really wanting to align yourself with?

Let me help you realign and begin creating from your unlimited potential once again. Let me help you put your best life forward and become Strong Within.

The Strong Within Plan:

I named my business Strong Within because I know we have the answers within us. And when we work together I will help elicit the strength already within you so you can begin utilizing it more efficiently in your life. We will go through the process of:

•–Seeking The Courage Within (Loving Yourself/Knowing Your Worth)
•–Finding The Voice Within (Awareness)
•—Creating Your Values Within (Values)
•—Modifying Your Wants Within (Holding Up The Mirror)
•—Building Upon Your Strengths Within (Utilizing Your Inner Allies)
•–Affirming Your Personal Blueprint Within (Writing a Solid Internal Blueprint)
•—Utilizing The Velocity Within (Alignment by Refocusing Your Energy)
•–Accepting Your Rewards (Worth and Acceptance of the great things you deserve)

Set up a free 30 minute discovery call with me:

Go to my contact page (click link) and let me know what your biggest struggles are at the moment, and we’ll schedule a time to chat to see if we are a good fit to help you begin creating that new beginning you have been desperately searching for. I don’t just work with anybody, and we if we aren’t a good fit, you’ll still get some great clarity and immediate action on how to conquer and move forward with your current struggles from the call.

You have nothing to lose except the old ways that are no longer serving you anymore.

I am looking forward to connecting with you.