The Strong Within Summer Sprint Goal Achievement Course 2020

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What if you could hit a reset button on your life?

What if you could begin attracting what you want to you instead of feeling like you have to force things or that nothing seems to go your way?

This will be a 3-month Goal Manifesting course from June 1st - August 31st, 2020.

It will consist of working from a planner I have specifically created to go about working on your goals differently.

Each week I will be assigning you new activities and work to help you master your new habits. In the first month, I will be unveiling pieces of the planner little by little to help you master things instead of being overwhelmed by them.

We will be focusing on your values, creating new patterns for your subconscious mind to help you instead of hinder you, taking control of your emotions, and taking action in a morning, afternoon, and evening routine that helps you focus on what matters instead of focusing on everything and getting stuck like we normally can do with all we have on our plates.

And while you are working on the new pieces of the puzzle to help you focus better, I will be doing live calls every other week to either participate in live, or view later as I will record them.

I believe there are a few missing components when working to achieve our goals. We think only about what we “want” without asking “why” we want something, or who we are deep within all of the masks we have hidden behind. And so you spin your wheels over and over again trying to reach goals that were never about you in the first place. They weren’t aligned with the person you are underneath, they were more in trying to measure up to who you thought you had to be for others.

Which begs the question:

Where was our purpose in all of these goals?

We spend so much time on DOING rather than focusing on BEING.

So let’s take a journey together.. Let me re-awaken you to your authentic self—to the person you have always been underneath but just have forgotten about as you have been chasing the things that no longer align with you…and let me help you realign again…with the world, with your spirit, with your mind, and with your deepest truest self.

Deadline to sing up May 31st, 2020. The course will go from June 1st-August 31st, 2020.

I am excited to see you become who you are meant to be. So join me on the greatest journey you will ever partake in—the journey of discovering yourself—your truest, most authentic, version of yourself.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me direct at